Friday, February 25, 2011

Boise Criminal Lawyers View on 3 Crimes in Boise

Three crimes in Boise were reported by the Idaho Statesman today.  Two of them were assault and batter charges and one was a drug charge.  Each of three crimes were charged as a felony.

The first crime involved a mother and her sixteen year old daughter.  The mom was charged with felony injury to a child and the victim as well as her two other siblings were removed from the home by Health and Welfare.  Idaho Code 18-1501 is the code section which deals with injury to a child.  When an adult willfully causes a child unjustifiable pain or injury they can be charged with injury to a child.  If found guilty of a felony charge they are subject to a minimum of 1 year in prison but up to 10 years in prison.  Boise Criminal lawyers often see this charge but they also see it reduced once the facts and the evidence are divulged.  By reduced I mean to a misdemeanor injury to a child charge which carries a penalty of up to 1 year in the county jail.

The second assault and battery charge was in the form of felony domestic battery.  This crime was took place in front of small children and left the female victim with head injuries.  It is reported to be a violent attack.  Both Boise Divorce Attorneys and Boise Criminal Lawyers would find it necessary for the female victim to seek a no contact order to prevent further harm from being done.  Idaho Code 18-918(4) requires that the penalty for domestic battery be doubled if the act of violence is done in front of a child.  The penalty for felony domestic battery is a prison term of up to 10 years, up to a $10,000 fine or both.  As a Boise Criminal Lawyer I can tell you that because the crime was committed in front of children the perpetrator, if convicted, faces up to 20 years in the state pen and/or up to a $20,000 fine.

The third crime reported was a felony drug trafficking charge.  A Boise man was found to be hiding 21.2 grams of heroin in his underwear.  The man with the drugs was under investigation for for illegal drug sales.  As a Boise Criminal Lawyer I can tell you that he is facing a very long prison term and a very large fine if he is convicted.  Idaho Code Section 37-2732 deals with trafficking and the penalty depends upon the classification of the drugs involved.

Boise Criminal Lawyers can tell you that you do not want to be charged with any of the crimes outlined here.  All three carry prison terms and can substantially ruin your life and take your freedom.  If you are charged with a crime in Idaho, get the help of an experienced criminal attorney immediately.  Criminal attorneys know how to help you and can help preserve your freedom.  A criminal lawyer will evaluate your case and let you know what your are facing.
If you need to speak to an attorney, please call (208) 472-2383 to speak to one of our Boise Criminal Attorneys or for more information visit us at or

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Boise Criminal Lawyers in Idaho

Three headlines today outline a variety of crime in the Boise area.  A man was arrested on felony charges for assault and battery and violating a no contact order.  He attempted to strangle a woman in her home.  He was also charged with felony mistreatment of a police dog. 

In another headline a Nampa man was stopped in a traffic stop and was charged with various crime in Idaho including felony drug trafficking, a DWP, possession of marijuana, and concealed weapon charges.  The man was wanted on two warrants from Ada and Canyon counties.

In a third headline a Boise man plead guilty to possession of child pornography.

All three of these headlines represent the type of crime that is becoming prevalent in Boise, Idaho.  Almost each day there is a news story about assault and battery, child pornography, drugs, possession or various other crimes like burglary and theft.  Often times those charged with these crimes have outstanding warrants or they result in parole violation or probation violation charges.  Many of the crimes are felony and many more represent misdemeanor crime in the valley.

If you have been charged with a crime in Idaho and need to speak to a Boise Criminal Lawyer, please call (208) 472-2383 or visit or for more information.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Boise Criminal Lawyers Role in a Criminal Law Case in Idaho

The role of a Boise criminal lawyer will differ depending upon the criminal charge in Idaho.  Attorneys and lawyers know that each case, whether it is a criminal case such as assault and battery, theft, burglary, DUI, possession or shoplifting, has a life of its own.  While in general a criminal law case in Idaho follows a consistent pattern, because the fact for each case are different and the judge for each case is different and the prosecuting attorney, the lawyer for the state, is different, every outcome will be different.

Cases differ because of the subject matter.  Certain facts are presented for assault and battery or for theft or burglary.  Those facts are different that those for possession, shoplifting or a DUI.  The facts also differ depending upon whether it is a felony or a misdemeanor or a parole violation or a probation violation.

Boise criminal lawyers will assess each case and plan the case using strategies appropriate for the type of case.  They will also talk with the state's attorney and see what facts they have.  The will talk to the state's lawyer who may put forth a suggested plea arrangement.  Attorneys who practice criminal law in Idaho will prepare the best case possible for the facts at hand.

If you need to speak to a Boise criminal lawyer in Idaho please call (208) 472-2383 or visit or

Friday, February 11, 2011

Boise Criminal Lawyers

Boise Criminal Lawyers can tell you that once you have been charged with a crime, whether it is assault and battery, theft, burglary, shoplifting, possession, DUI, a misdemeanor or a felony, it is important to to get a good attorney, one who is experienced in criminal law, to help you get out of the fix you are in.

Sometimes people charged with a crime in Idaho will tell their lawyers that they are guilty and just want to get what's coming to them and get it done and over with.  Other times they will tell their attorneys that they are guilty but they think their are circumstances which should make their punishment less.

There are also those situations where a person has been charged with a crime and they believe and they are actually not guilty.  In addition, there are those situations where you have been charged with a crime in Idaho and you are in fact guilty but because of a technicality, you cannot be convicted.

A Boise Criminal Lawyer can help you with all these scenarios.  A Boise Criminal Attorney will help you choose which path is best for you.

Of course, all these scenarios can be complicated if you are charged with a crime like assault and battery, theft, burglary, shoplifting, DUI or possession and you are on probation or parole.  It can also be complicated if it is a felony versus a misdemeanor.

Criminal attorneys and lawyers know how to help you.  Don't face the Idaho criminal system alone.  Interview an attorney who specializes in criminal law.  Talk to a lawyer who knows Idaho criminal law.  Get the help you need.

If you need to speak to a Boise Criminal Lawyer or a Boise DUI Lawyer give us a call at (208) 472-2383.  You can also visit us at or

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Boise Criminal Lawyer Talks About Drugs, Possession and Trafficking Charges

As a Boise Criminal Lawyer I am often asked about drugs, possession and trafficking.  Specifically, people often what to know and want lawyers to tell them how much marijuana constitutes trafficking?  They also like to ask attorneys what the penalty for trafficking drugs is.

According to the Idaho Code anyone who knowingly delivers or brings into the state or who is in possession of 1 pound of marijuana (but less than five)  or twenty-five marijuana plants, is guilty of the felony of trafficking marijuana.  For this amount of marijuana there is a mandatory 1 year prison sentence and at least a $5,000 fine.  If you are caught with between 5 and 20 pounds of marijuana or between 50-100 marijuana plants you will be sentenced to a minimum of three years in prison and no less than a $10,000 fine.  The penalty continues to increase until it reaches a maximum of 15 years in prison and a minimum fine of $50,000. 

As a criminal defense attorney I can tell you that if you are charged with trafficking marijuana, you want to make certain you have the best criminal defense lawyer or attorney because the state is very strict about drugs and trafficking.

If you want to speak to a criminal defense lawyer in Boise, call (208) 472-2383 for a free consultation.  It can mean the difference between doing time and your freedom.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Boise Criminal Lawyer Talks About Assault and Battery Over a Dog Biscuit

As a Boise Criminal Lawyer I found today's headlines almost humorous.  Not in Idaho, but in Montana, a man tried to give a dog a biscuit through a man's fence.  The man, to whom the dog belonged, thought the other man was trying to poison his dog.  The owner of the dog grabbed the man and threw him up against the garage.

From a criminal defense prospective I wonder if there aren't two crimes involved here.  There is obviously the assault and battery against the man who threw the other man against the garage.  This is obviously an assault and battery.  There was an unlawful touching and an act of violence.  But, as a Boise Criminal Defense Attorney I wonder if the man feeding the dog could be charged with trespass.  Certainly he was messing with the property of another.  Not just with the dog but also by reaching through the fence.  As a criminal defense lawyer I would offer this argument to the prosecuting attorney, the state's lawyer, and show that the man charged with assault and battery had been hassled and was responding to the threat; defense of property.

Whether or not it was a matter of pride the man against whom the assault and battery was committed reported that he was not injured.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Boise Criminal Attorney Discusses Hate Crimes in Idaho

As a Boise Criminal Attorney I often get calls from individuals asking about hate crimes in Idaho.  Idaho Code 18-7902 defines a hate crime as the  malicious or with specific intent to intimidate someone because of their race, color, religion, national ancestry, or national origin to cause physical injury, damage, destroy or deface the property of another, threaten harm by act or word a person who fits within the above definition.

As a Boise Criminal Attorney I often hear from people that that definition does not cover all the people who are subject to hate crime, specifically gay people.  If you are gay in Idaho and you have been subject to malicious harm or intimidation does the law protect you?  Lawyers and attorneys will tell you it does, but it does in a different way than this code section provides.  Boise lawyers and attorneys would tell you that you are protected under general Idaho law.  For example, if you were the subject of malicious harassment and you were physically harmed the prosecuting attorney, the lawyer for the state, would charge the defendant with assault and battery.  If your property was damaged intentionally and maliciously, the prosecuting attorney, the lawyer for the state, would prosecute the defendant on a property crime such as trespass, vandalism, arson, burglary etc.

No one should ever be belittled, demeaned, intimidated, ridiculed or physically or mentally harmed for any reason including their sexual orientation.  Idaho law needs to enter the 21st century and include sexual orientation in the definition of hate crimes.

If you need to speak to a lawyer or attorney about crime in Idaho or the specific crimes of assault and battery, theft, larceny, burglary, possession, drugs or any other crime please contact our law firm at (208) 472-2383

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Boise Criminal Defense Attorney Talks About Crime in Idaho

As a Boise Criminal Defense Attorney I talk to all sorts of people who are charged with crimes in Idaho.  There are many crimes that you can be charged with in Boise or in Idaho and for many of those it would be wise to have an attorney or a lawyer help you.  Attorneys and lawyers are trained in criminal law and can help keep you out of jail or at least limit your jail time.  Defense Attorneys or Defense Lawyers know how to talk to the prosecuting attorney.  The prosecuting attorney is the lawyer for the state or the lawyer who represents the state in criminal law matters.

Some of the crimes you can be charged with in Idaho are as follows:  Assault and battery.  Assault and battery is general getting into a fight with someone but can also be any other inappropriate or illegal touching or physical harm to another.  Burglary.  Burglary is breaking and entering with the intent to take something that is not yours.  Burglary is a form of theft.  Theft in Idaho can be petite theft or grand theft.  The type of theft you are charged with depends upon the money value of the items you stole.  Other crimes in Idaho include DUI or DWP.  DUI is driving under the influence of alcohol and a DWP is driving without privileges.  Drugs charges or possession are also crimes in Idaho. Possession is a form of drugs charges but you can also be charged with trafficking, depending upon the amount of drugs in your possession. 

If you are charged with a crime in Boise or in Idaho you need to make certain you get a lawyer.  An attorney will help you with your criminal charges.  Boise criminal defense attorneys are those attorneys who specialize in criminal law.  There are many criminal defense lawyers in Boise, Idaho but make certain you get the best.  The best will help you get out of trouble or at least limit the amount of trouble you are in.  If you need to speak with a Boise criminal lawyer please visit  Here you will find much information about crime in Idaho and you can find out how a Boise criminal attorney can help you.