Boise Criminal Law Lawyers, Boise DUI Attorneys, Criminal Defense Law Firm in Idaho, call (208) 472-2383. Set up your free consultation today - Criminal Defense, DUI, DWP, all criminal charges in Idaho.
Over the weekend Boise Police set up a sting operation in an attempt to curb and regulate local Boise business from selling alcohol to and adults buying alcohol for minors. Boise Criminal Lawyers have seen the number of arrests in Idaho for juvenile crime decrease over the past few years as a result of a task force created to prevent and reduce underage drinking and alcohol related crime such as DUI and crime committed under the influence of alcohol. Juvenile crime, specifically minor in possession of alcohol, consumption and DUI decreased over the past few years. In 2007 there were 1026 DUI arrests and 4152 liquor law violations. In 2009 there were 920 arrests for minor DUI and 4361 Liquor law violations (EUDL p. 5). Boise Criminal Lawyers have see, the number of minor DUI decrease while liquor law violations increased. The number of consumption tickets that Boise Criminal Lawyers are seeing, however, has also decreased. In 2009 there were 36 minor drunkenness tickets issued and 53 in 2007.
Juvenile crime is likely to lead to adult crime, whether is an alcohol related crime like DUI or more violent crimes such as assault and battery and aggravated assault or serious crimes like theft, burglary and possession or trafficking of drugs. According to the EUDL, when a juvenile begins drinking before the age of 15 they are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence in the future and 2 and 1/2 more likely to be alcohol abusers as adults. This is an important consideration because a 2009 Idaho Crime reports shows that 91.7% of suspects in crime in Idaho used alcohol during the commission of their crime. As a Boise Criminal Lawyer I have seen a similar percentage of alcohol use in the commission of crime among the criminal law cases I see.
In addition, this is a serious problem because of the cost of juvenile drinking crimes to the state of Idaho. The Pacific Institute reported in 2007 that the cost of underage drinking in Idaho is $1,650 per youth in Idaho. Idaho has created a task force to deal with the problem of underage drinking and underage possession of alcohol. The task force includes education, training and community commitment. In addition, Idaho laws not only punish juveniles for alcohol possession, but Idaho also focuses on punishing adults who facilitate underage drinking.
If you need to speak to a Boise Criminal Lawyer for a juvenile crime or other crime in Idaho, please call (208) 472-2383. On our website you will find more information on the subject of crime in Idaho, or if you like you can fill out a quick contact form and one of our Boise Criminal Lawyers will get back to you immediately.
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