Thursday, March 17, 2011

Boise Criminal Lawyers - Criminal Attorneys Boise, Idaho - Felony, Misdemeanor, Possession, Drugs, Burglary, Theft, Aggravated Assault, Assault and Battery, Criminal Defense

Boise Criminal Lawyers Attorneys, Criminal Defense Lawyer Attorney in Boise, Idaho, call for a free consultation (208) 472-2383, felony, misdemeanor, possession, drug charges, burglary, theft, aggravated assault, assault and battery, all criminal defense.

The City of Boise recently released new crime statistics that show that crime in Boise has dropped again for the sixth consecutive year.  Burglary in Boise is at its lowest level since 1980.  Boise Criminal Lawyers have noted the drop in crime, but what Boise Criminal Lawyers have also noted is that although the number of serious felony charges are down by 3.5% since 2009, there are more repeat offenders or offenses where a person is charged with multiple crimes, often felony charges but also misdemeanor and felony combined.

Overall there is a 25.8 decrease in serious felony charges since 2005.  Boise Criminal Lawyers hear the Boise Police attribute the decrease in felony crimes like burglary, assault and battery, aggravated battery, possession or trafficking to community participation.  The Boise Police Department says that burglary is a crime of opportunity, meaning that if we as a community leave our doors unlocked and windows open or things of value in plain sight, that we are more likely be to victims of a serious felony like burglary.  Boise Criminal Lawyers also hear the Boise Police attribute the drop in serious felony crimes like burglary, theft, aggravated assault, assault and battery, trafficking or drug possession, to citizens keeping their eyes open and reporting criminal activity or suspicious behavior.

The number of calls for police service in Boise dropped from 188,260 in 2006 to 166,293 in 2010.  This represents a decrease of 3.2%.  What is of particular interest to Boise Criminal Lawyers is the number of infractions v. felony v. misdemeanor resulting in citations or court cases.  The number of infractions in Boise actually increased from 2006 going fom 29,340 to 34,680 in 2010.  The number of misdemeanors also increased from 2006 to 2010 jumping from 10,345 to 12,443.  Although the figures are not available for felony charges until 2008 they also increased substantially from 342 to  2,365.

Also of interest to Boise Criminal Lawyers is the number of jail arrests.  Felony arrests in Boise decreased from 2006 to 2010 from 1,468 to 1,194.  The number of misdemeanor jail arrests in Boise between 2006 to 2010 dropped from 6,997 to 4,534.

So these are the City of Boise statistics but as a Boise Criminal Lawyer I have some questions about the soundness of these statistics.  My first question as a Boise Criminal Lawyer for the statistics department for the city of Boise would be, if the number of bookings in the Ada County jail decreased, but the number of court cases increased, has the crime actually decreased in Boise or are our police booking fewer cases?  Is the fewer number of calls to the Boise Police reflective of lessor crime when they suggest that community enforcement has increased?  Wouldn't there be more calls initiated by citizens if they as a group were keeping a watchful eye?  Maybe questionable interpretation of statistics should be a crime in Idaho!

If you have been charged with a crime in Boise or in Idaho and need to speak to a Boise Criminal Lawyer please call (208) 472-2383 or visit our website for valuable information and you can fill out a quick contact form and one of our Boise Criminal Lawyers will get right back to you.


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